Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Second Coming?

This is in no way about the second coming of Jesus. Instead, I am talking about the possibility of the second coming of Darkness. When I say darkness do I refer to the cooling of the sun where *blink* lights off permanently? Nope, I'm talking about darkness in advancement. This happened in the past once, it could certainly happen again.

Carl Sagan, calls it "A Thousand Years of Darkness" in early CE where science flourished, but then was dumbed down and absolutely obliterated by the Religious Reich creating blindness in reality to the people. I'll have Mr. Sagan speak on this topic:

It's the first time I heard about this section of human history. I find it sad and appalling. What once was a prosperous and growing city, became nothing but a pile of rubble and mindless zombies senselessly killing those opposed to doctrine. It's interesting how this ties in with my discussion about Christianity holding back space exploration in the U.S. [specifically upon NASA]. The religious want nothing, but to limit human integrity and have everyone clutch onto religious reason. Religious reason has done nothing, but caused pain and suffering - mentally and physically. There are those that say fundamentalist don't represent their religion, but in reality it's the fundamentalist who kick and shove. That kind of thing is hard to ignore.

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