Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Heaven Sounds Like a Boring Place to Hype Up

"Welcome to Heaven, where your soul will be spending all eternity."

The Kingdom of God. A title like that should boast some profound imagery into some individuals. To me, well, I find it a mediocre title.

No one exactly knows what happens after death, but there are those - predominantly the religious - who claim otherwise. I often play on the philosophy if you haven't experienced it don't bother explaining it, but then again, I never had buttsex and that's easy to explain. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you aren't able to observe or examine it, then don't bother. If there is some sort of technology to examine the soul or spirit, then I would throw out those claims, but as far as I'm concerned, there is no soul nor spirit. There are those have a lot of spirit in them, but that's just a personification of their actions and not what they have in them.

Why hype yourself up on something that may not happen. Ever since humanity has domesticated itself, the hype of life after death has been programmed to be passed on to other generations. I don't care if its been 2000 years since the Christians have hyped up their afterlife or about 1400 years for the Islamic; the hype is just a hype and nothing else.

Then again, why hype yourself on something that may happen? Have you ever had an experience where a friend of colleague gave you high ambitions to attend an event or a place, but when you get there you realize it was all for naught? Who knows, maybe heaven will be a place in the clouds where people play shuffle board. You can't eat and you can't drink, because face it you're a spirit now and what you were used to on Earth is no longer necessary in Heaven. Discovering and examining would no longer be necessary, because everything is already explained. Well, if God couldn't explain to us why we're here on Earth, then he'll have all eternity in heaven with no breaks in between. God is going to be like that uncle who never shuts up in a group conversation. The Islamic's have it great with their 70 virgins claim for afterlife, but then again it's also a hype and there's no other explanation on what kinds of virgins they'll get - maybe infidel virgins? Let's see the Jihadist wag their dicks at that.

Yes, there are those in the world who live a short life - due to disease or genetics - and it seems very natural to ease one's sorrow with thoughts of another life for others and oneself, but when it comes down to it this is the only life. Short, long or agonizing, this life is the only one.

I'll end off with this video clip from the Colbert Report where Steven Colbert interviews an Anglican Bishop about Heaven [Phase 1] and Earth 2.0 which got me riled up about this heaven business.

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